A last minute change of plans or possibly risky judgement call between a group of best friends pertaining to their plans for the evening. Based on the saying 'carpe diem', or 'Seizing the Day'. Usual partners in crime include rum, tequila or both and a walk of shame from a significant others house the following morning.
"Instead of sitting inside on a Wednesday evening and doing nothing, lets go to the bar down the street, get rip roaring drunk amongst friends and strangers, and then let hot guys buy us drinks and take us home."

"Now that's seizing it like no tomorrow! Be ready in 10!"
by Lockerazzi Monster December 31, 2010
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When consuming too much indica cannabis you become seized and do not have the willpower to move.
Dave: fuck that last spliff got me.

Mike: yeah it was so strong
Dave: I'm so seized
by malvhd July 25, 2019
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It's basically like "pwnd" or "owned". Yell it when someone trips down a flight of stairs, or something.

Alledgedly from Halo.
Primus: *falls down stairs*
Secunda: Seized, asshole!

Primus: *is pushed down stairs by Secunda*
Secunda: Managed to seize ya!
by PJtheHatter September 10, 2006
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When your entire life is taken away from you in the blink of an eye.
Just weeks after his 14th birthday, he was seized by a massive stroke. His parents didn't know what to do without him.
by Overdrive2005 October 26, 2014
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The act of, violently, taking a food item from someone and, violently, eating it.

This is most commonly practised if the person is seen with a food item that can be considered delicious
If you saw a delicious candy in the hands of a small child, would you SEIZE AND CONSUME it?!

You must SEIZE AND CONSUME the delicious cake

by rzhhhh November 11, 2011
Basically its about taking the ones you love and living every day without ever getting into fights about stupid shit. We don't live forever, you gotta make the days you have with them last.
Keep those you love close, and seize the day.
by PmRm August 15, 2008
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meaning to do something proper!
man you really can seized the cheese on that jib!

he is deff gonna seize the cheese on this prime byard rail.
by drewdavv January 18, 2011
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