punk, bitch , rat. etc.
that kid is a scram
by matt cooney April 29, 2009
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Scrambled eggs. Shortened form
I had some ham and scram this morning for breakfast.
by meow2u3 March 27, 2008
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1. (NOUN)Another word for a hoe, slut, trick, whore, dirty chick, or a girl that get around more than normal. Has sexual relations with one guy and goes to another one within a short peorid of time. Hence the name SCRAM. May have a STD.

2. (VERB) the act of SCRAMMING - to get with multiple people within a short time.
1. George: "Lisa gave John head and then hooked up with Chris right after.."
Craig: "Damn! Shes a SCRAM"

2. "Lisa needs to stop SCRAMMING before she catches something."
by ScramJones April 23, 2008
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To abort a nuclear reaction in an emergency. Originally, the fuel rods were held in place over a retardent material by ropes. In the event of an emergency, a guy with an axe stood at the ready to cut the ropes, dropping the fuel rods into the control material, thus halting the reaction. Acronym for Safety Cut-Rope Axe Man.
OMG d00d! t3h reactro is going to blwo up!!!!!1 SCRAM it!!!!!11~
by gandalph September 28, 2004
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slang for dinner/lunch
usully used in manchester
i had no breakfast so i need some scram man
by Daveish January 22, 2007
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a kid who no one like and is constantly buggin and freaks about nothin
yo kid why you have to be such a scram
by marlboro reds September 27, 2007
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