a city in western Nevada, known for gambling casinos and easy divorce and remarriage
I'm going to Reno, NV to get a quick divorce. See ya.
by okcable July 13, 2006
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is a cute teenage boy he is kinda tall and also very athlethic and funny and has a cute smile
girl#1: do you know the new kid?

girl#2 :who reno?

girl#1:yea I heard he our new best basketball player
by tanya white November 30, 2016
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Reno is a video game character from the 1997 hit, "Final Fantasy VII". He is a member of the elite government organization known as "The Turks" (similar to MI6) Reno is known for his red-hair, electrically charged staff and partner on the job, "Rude". Reno is additionally, very witty and clever and known for his wise-cracking 'assholeish' comments towards others. In every day conversation, his name may be used to describe a way of putting somebody in a negative position that perhaps makes them look dull.
(In conversation):
John: "Hey Heath, I heard about that guy who made you question your heterosexuality and give him all your money."

Heath: "..yeah man I dont know what happened..one moment I was fine..and the next I was on my knees giving him head.."

John: "wow man I didnt hear that part...sounds like you just got Reno'd"
by Reno Valentino June 10, 2006
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Throw it up fo' tha "NO" if u rep the 775!!!
by royal 77 July 20, 2004
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Canadian slang for home renovation, or home improvement. Those silly Canadians.
After moving into our house, we've been doing non stop renos.
by Scott J. August 15, 2006
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1.a place in nevada where Californians go to get a cheap house. 2.If you are considered diffferent you will be systematicaly detroyed by the white rich kids.
by Mariko July 30, 2005
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Reno is one of the characters in Final Fantasy 7 and FFVII:Advent Children. He plays an awesome role and is like.. basically one of the greatest characters known to life. He's sexy too.
Person1: Last night I was watching FFVII:AC
Person2: Oh yeah? Was it good?
Person1: Yeah, Reno kicked some mad ass in that.
by Shelbbyy June 2, 2006
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