A drink formed with redbull and rum which will result in a somewhat piss-tasting sensation. Note: when drinking this beverage know that the energy received from the red bull will eventually crash causing your magnitude of drunk-ness to multiply. This will most likely result in hooking up with woman you just met/ will not remember the next morning
1.After rater bought 16 red bulls for 39.95, we proceeded to drink red rum before the party resulting in the strangest experience ever

2. "Dude lets make Redrum"

"Nah son im not trying to die"
by Bro'connor May 3, 2010
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Nickname given to the most awesome chic I ever meet. She got a very loving hart underneath a cocky attitude. She has the right to be cocky because she's got a Lotta shine about her. The body of a goddess. And loves to show it off. Beautiful hazel eyes . That hokd alotta things she shouldn't have had to see. She been thru alot but she'll never let it show. She deserves a man that truly knows how a lady should be treated and will appreciate her everyday. She needs a man to treat her as a Beautiful queen not a pretty trophy on his arm . She needs a man that will show her how it feels to be truly loved without trying to break her sprit and dimming her shine
Man that's redrum she's one awesome chic beautiful inside and out . I'd love to make her mine . But if I can't wish she'd find a man to treat her right and leave them little scrub ass boys alone.
by Pannelwaggon July 4, 2022
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Redrum is a kind of animal that doesn't ejaculate very often because of its extraordinary bad smell. It is often seen in the jungle and at WDK (World Domination Kronhjort).
Dude, did you see that Redrum?
by redrum4ever July 28, 2008
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When the a man is having sex with a girl and gets bloodied by her period that he was not aware/informed she was on. This can happen as an intentional event as she really wanted sex and knew you wouldn't if you had shagged w/ the lights on. Or she's just dumb and didn't know she was leaking.
So i met this girl at the bar last night and we were back at my place and i thought something was up when she didn't let me finger her but was still all about knocking boots, i noticed the bloody condom in my trash the next morning and realized I'd been redrumed!
by DonJuanFangio December 17, 2008
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the act of slashing one's own hand (i.e., with a hunting knife. broken beer bottle, or any other appropriate device), then using that hand to jerk off (if you're a guy). Particularly good for cutters, this way you're killing two birds with one stone. For girls, see redrum stabby.
Bob really knows how to relax at the end of a long day with a good redrum slappy.
by suspicious package February 5, 2007
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(for women), the act of slashing one's own hand and/or fingers with a broken mirror, old razor blade, box cutter or similar device, then using that hand to masturbate. The bloody fingers or cutting implement are used to "stab" into any erogenous zone. Similar to redrum slappy.
Angelina covered up last night's redrum stabby with the old "that time of the month" excuse.
by suspicious package February 5, 2007
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redrum is a verb, normally meaning that you want to include the person you are talking to in a threesome with Hillary Clinton.
Hey, Anna, want to redrum later…?
by FDLee Alien. August 25, 2022
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