Yo, I need a quack? Yo, you got a quack?
by gotjank June 25, 2007
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A code word for quarter, as in a quarter ounce of smoke/weed.
"How much does a quack run?"

"Can you do a quack?"
by Laura Hill August 14, 2007
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A term used by the supporters of conventional medicine to insult anyone that supports alternative medicine.
Alternative Medicine Supporter: I started oil pulling and using herbal tooth powder. The result is that my teeth are very white and my mouth never felt this good!
Conventional Medicine Supporter: What you're doing was made up by a quack artist! The results that you are seeing are a placebo and the medicine you're using doesn't work.
Alternative Medicine Supporter: How can you tell me that the results I'm seeing are fake? They are clearly real. Let the results speak for themselves! Watch me demonstrate.

(The Alternative Medicine Supporter reveals his teeth and that are so bright white that they stun the Conventional Medicine Supporter!)
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It's when you do an animal. Used a lot by Karthiks
I'm so quacked! That was some doge ;)
by cuckthick January 15, 2018
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homosexual; in caribbean spanish slang the word for homosexual is "pato". Pato literally tarnslates to duck. The sound a duck makes? Quack, quack.
My co-worker came out to me last nite. I always knew he was quack quack.
by ari* January 14, 2008
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