Of or pertaining to poetry.
Something which could be the subject of a poem.
The way she moved was so poetic
by Zippo August 15, 2003
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miserably inadequate
Jessica is Poetic
by BenjiThomas March 19, 2019
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Noun: Of being well-versed and well-read. Verbose. Prolific.

See also: Bitch
That boy sure knows his poetics
by Walker Boh March 27, 2003
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When life hands someone their Karma in an elegant way, with witnesses and without any encouragement from victims or victors. It's the balancing of the scales of Justice in a way that would make a good story for others to learn from.
Honey, after all she did to you, it is poetic justice when karma is served.
by Flowerbaby April 17, 2019
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n. A movement dedicated to spreading random acts of beauty, poetry, wonder, magic and thought-provocation. The concept was originated by the writer Hakim Bey and has appeared in movies such as the cult French film Amelie.

Poetic terrorism differs from the concept of "random acts of kindness" in that its acts are not always kind, but its ultimate goal is not malice, but broadening of the mind. Poetic terrorist acts may, of course, be kind - they may also be weird, funky, shocking, provocative, counter-cultural, anachronistic, subtle, subversive, mischievous, dark, creative and fey.

Examples of poetic terrorism would be:
* Decorating the walls of a public lavatory with Shakespearean sonnets in purple glittery marker pen
* Erecting a 50' inflatable sculpture in a public place, then removing it without trace once day is done
* Sprinkling flower petals from a window onto passers-by
* Frolicking in the park wearing an outlandish costume and jingling bells
* Whispering to random people that dragons exist, then continuing on your way
* Chalking countercultural slogans on sidewalks
* Taking bizarre and creative photos in photo booths, then leaving the photos for others to find
* Anything else you can think of!
If the world was filled with poetic terrorism instead of real terrorism, it would be a much better place.
by Spritedust May 15, 2004
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To "wax poetic" means to become increasingly verbose and romantic in speech. To become more and more like a poem.

"Wax" = increase, "wane" = decrease.

It has nothing to do with vinyl records and bullshit hip-hop, "yo."
"Not to wax-poetic, but your eyes glimmer like the ocean on a summer evening..."
by vinylBZ September 13, 2008
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To speak or write about something in a highly eloquent or verbose manner. Comes from "wax" meaning "grow" or "become" as in the waxing and waning of the moon, thus "to wax poetic" is equivalent to "to grow poetic." Thus "to wax poetically" doesn't really make sense, as it would mean "to grow poetically," which isn't the same as "to grow poetic."
All you can do is wax poetic on your new computer -- let me talk for a change!
by clavis June 14, 2007
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