A baseball double play featuring the pitcher (1) throwing to the catcher (2) to get the runner coming home and save a run scored, then throwing to the first-baseman (3) to get the batter moving towards first base.
The Yankees got out of a potential Grand Slam situation with a Sesame Street Double Play to end the 6th inning against Arizona Diamondbacks.
by brockhoward May 2, 2019
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a regrettable phenomenon, most typically occurring on a diaper table, wherein an undiapered baby "drops a deuce" then encores with a "golden shower", as (s)he is being adjusted to fit into the clean diaper. As the definition implies, the resultant fluids thoroughly coat the adult's hands, typically through a disgusting direct hit. Silently enduring this or laughing aloud is a sure evidence of evolutionary fitness; why else would one tolerate a little person relieving him/herself directing onto one's hands?
While "turning a bare-handed double play" is among the most vaunted and skillful of infielders' defensive plays, it is among the lowest of indignities on the diaper table. Though it does also require quick thinking and defensive maneuvers to keep fluids off clothes and clean diapers and changing pads, any such heroics are outweighed by the hilarious, disgusting and deflating fact of hands covered in baby urine and poop.
by Henry's Dad August 28, 2010
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A Babe Ruth double play is a when a woman inserts a BabyRuth candy bar into her Vagina then pushes it out while defecating on a man's chest.
Aunt Linda did a Babe Ruth double play at the family camping trip last August.
by TastefullyBitter March 9, 2014
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Where there are runners at first and second and the batter grounds into a double play. The runner on first is forced out, as is the batter, but the runner on second moves over to third.

Hence, a sacrifice double play.

Also known as a San Francisco sacrifice.
With Schierholtz on first and Sandoval on second, Aubrey "Audrey" Huff hits a weak ground ball to second for a 4-6-3 double play.

Sandoval goes to third. A sacrifice double play. A San Francisco sacrifice.
by Downvoting Victim October 16, 2011
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When you ejaculate and poop at the same time, preferably in the bathtub.
Dude, this chick was so hot but I couldn't pull the trigger bc I had one brewing all night. I had to go home and jump in the bath to turn a double play.
by datguy5924 December 20, 2017
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The act of taking a piss and a shit in one visit to the facilities
I’ll be back in a few minutes. I have to go to the bathroom for a double play.
by Hannibal Cannabis October 16, 2021
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