A pair (i.e. 2) of ducks.
I went to the farm and slaughtered a paradox.
by Cunningest Linguist September 27, 2006
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Something that is both right and wrong. Something that contradicts itself, and usu. thereby proves a thesis by refutation or instantiation.
If I went back in time and killed my mother, then I would be dead. But I would never have been able to go back in time to kill my mother if I died.
by anycon June 23, 2003
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1: Something that contradicts itself , eg:
You need A to get B. You cant get A without having B.

2: A popular Hacking/Cracking team which makes keygens and warez. Their programs often have catchy techno loops in the background.
1: You need a to get to B.
You cant get A without having B.

2: I always use Paradox, for keygens and cool shit. They are so leet, but you dont hear much from em anymore. =/
by my kjones June 20, 2006
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A situation which theoretically should not be able to exist but in reality does; a self-contradiction.
You have to have a permit to drive a car, but you can't get a permit until you've driven a car--that's a paradox.
by Laur June 23, 2003
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A sound logical argument leading to a contradiction.
Russell's Paradox is a good example. Russell poses the question: "If R is a set of all sets which don't contain themselves, does R contain itself?" If it does, then it doesn't. If it doesn't, then it does.
by Colin Wetherbee June 25, 2003
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A catch-22 of sorts. Basically, it means that something counterintuitive to common sense's dictations could be potentially true as well....or in layman's terms, a no-win situation.
You need A for B, but you must have B first to get A.
by Shawn B. June 28, 2003
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A phrase that contradicts itself.
by WateryFate June 27, 2003
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