"Cut offs" or "cut off jeans" are the names that are given to jeans that have been cut, usually D.I.Y, into shorts. They can be loose or they can be tight,and the length of the cut offs generally does not go past the knee. They can be worn by both guys and girls and typically are made from old pairs of jeans or jeans bought from a second hand clothing store.
"sweet cut offs did you make them yourself?"
by smally69 January 10, 2008
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possibly the worst and most uncomfortable poo after the "jaggy". Your having a nice plop, and all of a sudden, the phone rings, or the doorbell goes, and the brown rock is halfway out your rectum, and it gets "cut off", leaving the other half hanging out of your black tunnel (anus). It then smudges in your pants, and besides being really uncomfortable, it also makes you stink. (btw its never happened to me!)
*un-zips trousers and sits on bog*
*massive fart noise* "aaahhhh that feels good"
*doorbell rings*
"shit! my girlfriend! Uh oh im gonna have a r8 cut off now"
by josh pleb head October 26, 2006
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In the card game of poker: The person who is to the right of the dealer. In casual games the player in this position gets to pick one half off the deck, as a "security check" after the cards are shuffled. Also known as to "cut off" of the deck.
- Did you really raise with Queen Jack into the big stack?

- Yea, but everyone folded before me and i was in the cut off, so i wanted to gain position.
by Vinzi July 9, 2009
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to cut someone off is too stop selling them whatever drug.
(In my experience its particular to heroin,.. It doesn't matter much if your bud dealer stops replying, only a drug you can be strung out on & get sick without.)
Junky.) "Andrew's been acting hella outta pocket lately. He caught an attitude because I wouldn't give him a handout."
Junky 2.) "He begged me for a dub the other day!! Sad to be such a bum you have to beg for a DUB."
Junky 1.) "Shame its got like this. He's lost since getting cut off."
Dealer .) "Come without calling again & you're cut off."
Dealer 1.) "Since I heard he tried getting at your girl I cut his ass off too."
Dealer 2.) "Damn G you didn't have to do that. I appreciate you though. Thats love. Fuck him."
Dealer 1.) "Don't even trip man. It was straight SCUM shit & you're my boy... I'd do it again."
by mongo69 February 27, 2017
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usually a statement a girl would make to her significant other, to hold-out on sex.
guy: "Hey babe, let's go cut sometin!"

girl: "You stupid-ass mofo, you still cut off from the shit you pulled last week around yo' boys!
by Noliaboy00 June 6, 2005
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an emo still duel between two emo persons in whiched both engage in cutting their own wrists.
Zack was so emo, i challenged that fool to a cut-off
by Jakov September 22, 2006
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