to become very drunk or high on drugs
"last night i was levered out my face"
by vali October 28, 2004
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when you really want to hurt someone you might 'lever' them. If you want to lever someone it often means that you want to hit them in the face to cause permanent damage to their appearance.
I'll Fucking Lever the Twat that put those sticks on the road, it could cause an accident!
by elmilno October 10, 2010
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Leveration means a punch of good words, leverate your minds indicates "elevating" your thoughts... It also means "relief" and a "revelation'... The word can indicate as well "liberty".... So the word itself has no specific meaning, ummm leveration means fighting stereotypes and rumors, and a request for being truthful and positive
Leverate your mind... Fight stereotypes
Statue of "Leverty" is really nice!
Leveration is the ecsape for this nation.
by leverater November 7, 2010
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A penis; something that a person "pulls" thus "switching" the man on.
I knew when she started pulling on my lever that it was going to be a good night.
by LostOne August 27, 2012
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Extraneous fat around the lower abdomen. a.k.a love handles.
Dang Noel, you're growing some levers!
by Ismael. June 19, 2007
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A lever near the anus which, when pulled, releases a gushing torrent of dook, pus, and other generally reesty liquids, which burst forth from the anoos with such force as to completely obliterate the person attached to said anoos.
Guy1:Hey whats this one do?
guy2: No dont pull that its my anoos lever.
guy1:too late.
by Bradibulbus August 11, 2010
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