the act of having sex with someone via the internet by thinking of it really hard and then yelling INTERSEX! And they'll lose their virginity without even having to stick their uh-ohs in your woopsie, or vise-versa.

You can do this by sending any kind of computer message via IM, Facebook/Myspace comments, emails, etc. etc. etc.

Computer condoms should be used, so as not to impregnate an Intersexed female, because they will actually give birth to a computer. Not a good time.
"Dude... you bang her?"
"No, but I DID get her Facebook and I wrote INTERSEX all over her wall... She'll be feelin it in the morning..."
by Llee May 9, 2008
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A Mutation Causing to both genitals

Some people will say it's a gender but it's not
She was born intersex
by 459395 March 13, 2022
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gage: your mom gay
bob:your dad lesbian
gage:*bones shatter*
gage: your granny tranny
bob:*liver shuts down*
bob:your grandpap a trap
gage:your brothers a mother
bob:*brain haemorrhages*
bob: your sister a mister
gage: your ex intersex
bob:*spontaneously combusts*
by boistori__________gage March 20, 2018
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Sexually dimorphic chimeric intersex are what happens when a pregnant mother (either intersex or female) produces or is in contact with quantities of testosterone in the third trimester causing a male and female twin to fuse into one, then split when testosterone lowers, then the smaller twin is reabsorbed by the larger one. This leaves the resulting child with a penis, one fallopian tube, a uterus, one accessory gland, half the average amount of eggs, and one small testicle attached to the volva tucked inside an otherwise normal vagina.
Patient: Why do I have one testicle and a hole?
Doctor: You are being affected by an intersex condition called SDCI, or sexually dimorphic chimeric intersex in humans.
by Historics Society August 4, 2022
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