Quite possibly the most terrible genre of music on Earth, excluding gospel. Hair metal usually features band members dressed as homosexuals, annoying shrill vocals, and downright stupid lyrics.
Hey, do you listen to hair metal?

No dude, I'm not a shithead.
by liam. December 20, 2006
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a music genre that ruined the name of good old classic rock leading to other genres such as metal,pop rockalso stealing and ruining the name of good old classic rock. go watch the movie almost famous.
-dude i saw these two guys with long hair in tight pants yelling.
- those are hair metal fans lets go kick their asses
by jim morrison rules October 9, 2006
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A type of anti-music that became popular in the 1980's and officially died in 1991.

Typical characteristics:

*Women's makeup worn on faces

*Tight, colorful clothing

*Loud, repetive drumbeats

*Guitar has a whiny sound

*High-pitched vocals

*Extreme emphasis on appearance

*Meaningless lyrics about alcoholism, promiscuity, and occasionally substance abuse.

Hair metal is essentially reinvented pop. Whereas metal in the 1960's and 1970's was about various subjects such as politics or personal experiences, hair metal was about hedonism. Hair Metal was the spearhead of teenybopper movement, which was at it's strongest during the 1980's. Were it not for MTV and a legion of gullable fans, hair metal would have never grown into the music-destroying fungus that gave metal a bad name. As it became more synonymous with metal, true metal musicians founded what became known as the trash metal movement, which was shot down in it's initial stages and would re-merge after the death of grunge, which in of itself was a stab at hair metal.
Hair metal is an easy target for anyone with homophobia. Ironically, fans of hair metal are unable to criticize grunge without calling it homosexual.
by SonicSucks October 18, 2009
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Also referred to as Pop Metal and Glam Metal, Hair Metal was an accidental sub-genre of corporate bullshit that was force fed to America by both the masses of wannabe badasses with teased out hair who apparently thought that the best way into a woman's pants was by dressing like women themselves, and the corporate suck-fest known as MTV.

Those responsible for this heinous crime against rock n' roll and indeed, humanity itself, include such artists as Quiet Riot, Ratt, Motley Crue, Dokken, Bon Jovi, Great White, Whitesnake, Trixter, Kix, and Cinderella. After the whole movement, by the grace of God, fizzled out for a short time in 1987, this wave was replaced by an even cheesier bunch that included the Bulletboys, LA Guns, Poison, White Lion, Winger, Warrant, and Skid Row.

Thankfully there were some glimpses of authenticity during this dark period like Van Halen, Def Leppard, and Guns N' Roses (who score points not only for authenticity and talent but also for the unique ability to share the stage with a volitile gas such as Axl Rose).
guy 1: Dear God... what IS that... that THING? Is that a man or a woman?

guy 2: Neither... its a hair metalist.

guy 1: a "hair metalist?"

guy 2: yeah... they're undead creatures trapped in a terrifying demention in which there is no distinction between men and women.

guy 1: you mean Anime?

guy 2: no... worse... they stay alive solely by snorting cocaine and fucking groupies

guy 1: Jesus...

guy 2: no. not even Jesus would enter that realm...
by thatguy09 December 8, 2010
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All you hair-metal haters can suck ass, because people actually had talent in hair metal bands!

For instance, Motley Crue KICKED ASS. Motley Crue sounded the EXACT SAME on stage as they did on their cds-THATS MOTHERFUCKIN TALENT

They sang about all emotions, mostley happiness, while grunge didn`t have half as creative tunes as they did.

Good thing Vh1 is bringing the 80`s back, if not, I`d go insane
Guns N Roses, Motley Crue, Poison, Warrant, should I go on?
by Adrienne the Axl Fan January 17, 2005
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A great genre. Defined by high pitched yet melodious screams, happy go lucky lifestyle and lyrics, etc. And of course the hair....and spray and lipstick etc.
Few things to get straight however
1. Guns N' Roses are not hair metal....even thought htey are a great band. Just because they have long hair does not make them hair metal. If thats how you define it we start to get bands like the Allman Brothers Band being hair metal.Neither are they heavy metal. Thats much harder and mostly crappy music exept for a few great bands (Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, and best of all: etc.) Theyre straight up hard rock.
2. GRUNGE DID NOT FUCKING KILL HAIR METAL!! Holy fucking shit....no one of any influence likes grunge anyway so how the hell could they kill hair metal????? MT fucking V and the rest of the mainstream media stopped playing them......most generally considered guns n' roses to be hair metal so they got all offended at songs like "one in a million".....WHICH DOESNT HAVE THAT BAD LYRICS OMFG!!!!! oh maybe he says the n-word once...try listening to some of the fucking rap that the mainstream media is playing now eh??? He brings up some good arguments but he does step over the line once or twice or five times....but NOT THAT FAR OVER!!!
Grunge kids call Hair Metal fans arrogant and self - centered and theyre the ones whining about their problems all the time to us...would you rather go through life happy or sad??take the right turn and get yasself some fuckin motley crue, skid row, ratt, whitesnake, scorpions, etc.
by METAL HEALTH! September 6, 2005
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Dictionhousen,slamma,Seattle Man can all eat fn sh*t.. hair metal is the best type of music, and always will be. they sang about being happy, instead of grunge, who sang about how much they wanted to die and how depressed they were. its fn lame. and their look was entertaining if you didnt get it. just wanted to say how dumb you were, later->
top 5 fav bands. 1. def leppard 2. styx 3. firehouse 4. bon jovi 5. white lion
by Con January 1, 2004
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