Taking the time to type and hit "post reply"
This dude was being retarded, and I was giving a fuck, so I kept responding.
by Toam August 25, 2007
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"you can give a damn, but you can NOT give a fuck." -jenna marbles
"Say I maybe gave a damn but I never gave a fuck" -ace hood
by E.Money June 15, 2012
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1:Mean's "i don't give a fuck what (he/she/it/you) thinks about me". Used in a humorous way, usually implying someone or something else is taking offence when this is not necessarily the case.

2:Can also be used as a dismissive term, normally for an inanimate object.
1:(a) - "Yeh anyway Rachel is a twat. GIVE A FUCK PAUL" (implying that Paul has taken this statement as offensive, and you don't give a fuck he is offended, although he may not really be offended at all).

1:(b) - (in a shit club called Gravity) "This club is shit. GIVE A FUCK GRAVITY."

2:(Trying to fix a printer, can't and you are pissed off). GIVE A FUCK PRINTER (implying you don't think highly enough of the printer to get angry about it, even though you clearly are).
by bananamilkshakefiend October 30, 2009
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What I Dont Give
Guy 1: "Ow! Dude That Hurt!"
Guy 2: "Should I Give A Fuck?"
by ThatFlyingFuckThatYouDontGive January 23, 2016
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When you asks you Facebook friends if it accptible that you have a "don't give a fuck" attatude.
Facebook status: Friends please tell me that it is all right that I have a don't give a fuck attatude? beacause under my try hard James Dean bravado I really am giving a fuck.
by Boogieman333 June 22, 2011
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not caring about the topic at hand
Brent: Hey that rust is called patina.

Eddie: Who gives a fuck....
by el deportante April 28, 2008
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When you've absolutely had it with someone's bullshit and seriously couldn't care any less about what they do or say from here on out. Commonly felt among people who've been walked all over for most of their life.
girl: Hey I'm sorry I keep leading you on and getting involved with a bunch of other guys but I have a lot going on and I really don't know what I want right now so I was wondering if you'd give me another chance please?
guy: Look me straight in the eye, and tell me how DEAD SERIOUS I am when I tell you I don't give a fuck.
by Implying713 October 8, 2011
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