Dynamic is a word used for the description of how vibey a cat is. If a cat for example like Sissy is vibing on top of a roof, that is what we would call Ultra Dynamic, if a cat is just vibing on the floor it would be just a little bit dynamic.
The chonker cat that got snuck on the airplane was very Dynamic after all, he was just vibing 31,000 ft in the air.
That cat sitting on the floor was not very Dynamic.
by korsmixonline November 13, 2019
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It's an adjective; It's like the people at the circus n shit, it's like someone can keep up with a bunch of different things happening at once yet manage to stay under control. Spiderman is dynamic as is Future.
Damn, did you see how Spiderman kicked everyone's ass at once?! That dude is so dynamic
A: Bruh there's no hoes in here wtf? B: Brodie, that's cuz Future's ass came up in the club n they all left with him. A: That dude's game is dynamic asf.
by the_real_bigbrother January 1, 2022
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Two People who are really close or are always together. They do anything and everything together, and when they are together they dominate anything and everyone!
Tyler and Shaun were droppin' dimes in the game today, they totally dominated the court. They were "the Dynamic Duo!"

(Look Up Droppin' Dimes)
by T! June 24, 2006
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When you with a girl that's a huge squirter!
Man that Mandy..we banged last night and when she came..she gave me that aqua dynamic!
by Hom2436 January 24, 2018
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Two people teaming up that are douche bags on their own, but together, they're super douche bags--the Dynamic Doucho!
Ted and Sally suck to work with on their own, but when they're paired on a project, they're the Dynamic Doucho!
by sprtagt August 22, 2011
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In computer science, dynamic programming (short: DP) is a method for reducing the runtime of algorithms exhibiting the properties of overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure.

Mathematician Richard Bellman invented dynamic programming in 1953. The field was founded as a systems analysis and engineering topic which is recognized by the IEEE.
The problem looks too hard to solve - it must be dynamic programming!
by Your SCAR Grandpa June 26, 2006
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