In sleepovers, it's the act of having to sleep next to someone of the same gender in the same bed.

The term doubling up is commonly used to make the one using the word seem less of a homosexual, as saying "Let's sleep togeether." Can spur awkwardness.
We need to double up, tonight. Just make sure we don't look eachother in the eyes.
by Bill  June 12, 2011
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to take a girl on and try to hook up your friend with her friend
"Yo we tried to double up, but yo dumb self wouldn't come."
by DaGhetto33 July 9, 2009
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When one gives two thumbs up.

The ultimate expression of happiness.
DUDE!!! We won the lottery!

Oh, shit flash them double ups!
by jbn Gstache April 25, 2007
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1. A really good album/song by R Kelly.

2. To hook up with two people at the same time.
Step up out the club with a dizzy head
I got two chicks both got dizzy legs, I'm 'bout to double up
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Mobile 20 double up man = give me $40 worth of rock for $20.
by LBpeckerwood February 2, 2007
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A Wakeboarding manuever in which the boat's driver navigates the boat back across its own previously created wake. The current wake and the wave created by the old wake come together to momentarily make one enormous wake, which the rider hits to achieve massive air. The path of the boat roughly approximates the letter P, starting at the bottom and crossing the wake heading left.
Bonifay's half-cab double backroll off the Double Up is the sickest move around...
by Crew Middle Fork August 24, 2004
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When a crack dealer delivers an extra rock as a marketing ploy to attract customers
by Lehem October 18, 2003
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