The shortened version of conversation. Basically used by AIM freaks and people who speak leet
Dude, i think my girlfriend read our convo on my phone. She's gonna tear me a new one later!!
by Freakout666 September 29, 2008
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Abbrevation from the word "Convoy" and used for long discussions via messenger type softwares where the discussion can become a long convoy of messages.
Wow, MJ just keeps building those convos on my IM.
by Tokyo Salaryman July 4, 2007
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Short for "Convocation". The tri-weekly nationally broadcasted chapel service at Jerry Falwells' Liberty University.

All students are required to attend Convo three times a week and have seating sections inside the steal dome called "The Vines". There is a dress code and TV cameras. Approximately 6000 students attend Convo and World renound speakers such as Politicians and Scientists come to speak often.
"I get up every day to attend Convo, I love Jerry Falwell!"
by Thomual October 8, 2005
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1. Abbreviation for the word conversation
2. Mexican dessert consisting of vanilla ice cream and chocalate sauce with toppings on top and bottomings on the bottom. EX. sprinkles, gummi bears, bacon, cum, cherries
1. We definitely need to start a new convo.
2. Would you like to try a convo?
3. I totally owned that convo last night.
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I and she had a relaxing convo today
by Rhyokou January 25, 2021
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The term given to a person who is very hard to keep up a conversation with. Usually ending all possible conversations with a one-word dead end.
Person 1 - So i heard you went to some crazy party last night, tell me about it! Did anything interesting happen?

Person 2 - Nope....

Person 1 - You're such a Convo-Breaker you know that?
by Pearcinator June 21, 2009
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