1. the form of makeup wearing where you pile entirely too much makeup on the elderly

Derived from French, meaning "Circus of the Face"
"It's very popular in France, it's called Cirque Du Face, and it means Circus of the Face."
by Snowbomb December 7, 2011
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A great book series about a half-vampire named Darren and his mentor. The series follows Darren as he learns the ways of vampires, proves himself to all of the other vampires, and struggles for his life in the action-packed saga.
"Did you read the last Cirque Du Freak book?"
"Yeah!! It was great!!"
by Casey R. Hunter April 1, 2010
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The act of having extremely wild or freaky sex.
Man, that crazy chic was so impressed with that dinner at Carl's Burgers, she took me to an old storage building and tried to Cirque du Soleil me!
by Nelson0755 June 10, 2010
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The best drinking game ever! Teams of two line up across from each other at a table. Each player has two solo cups partially filled with beer. One player from each team (we'll call him Player 1) starts by drinking one of the cups and then proceeding to flip it as one would in flip cup. Next Player 2 drinks his beer, and then attempts to flip his cup into Player 1's cup, while Player 1 moves his cup in attempt to catch it. Once Player 2 successfully flips his cup into Player 1's cup, player 1 will pass the stack of cups to Player 2 and then drink his second cup of beer. He then tries to flip his cup into the stack of cups Player 2 is now holding. Player 2 then passes the stack of cups back to Player 1 and then drinks his last beer and flips the final cup into the stack of cups his partner is holding. The first team to stack all four cups wins the round!
Jimmy: Hey brosefs, you wanna play flip cup?
Tex: No way, Cirque du Soleil is way more fun!
Jimmy: True dat broheim!
by beekthafreek May 16, 2013
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A circus at Sea World, where trained acrobats perform at scary levels above water by a floating island of colorful sets.
"Come on, the Cirque Del Mar show starts at 2:00 and it's already 1:50! I wanted to see the opening act!"
"You choose. Do you want to go to the Shamu show or see the amazing Cirque Del Mar?"
"Look at those amazing acrobats above the water! Cirque Del Mar really was worth it!"
by hillannwitt99 July 19, 2008
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The act of doing a handstand in the shower in order to clean one's butt-hole because they're too poor to afford a bidet.
All you can eat baked beans night at the strip club had me in the shower doing a Cirque du Bidet to clean everything up.
by JrHoodRat July 17, 2023
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when a girl gets 4 balls and 1 penis in her asshole.
forget 2 dogs in a bathtub, last night i had a cirque du soleil!
by irkie and yosh October 13, 2007
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