to get completely insane and have a wild night that is 10x worse than the hangover.
El Cyber- "lets get bushy with it!"

Senior Preacher- "give us the holy El Cyber"

El Cyber- "you must all rape the Chinese people it is the only way" *moves hands in a grasping motion*
by datdick May 1, 2011
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Function: noun

1: A term used to describe a warrior class during Japan's pre-feudal and feudal periods. Few true bushi exist today. Also see samurai
2: Someone you don't want to fuck with.
Shit! That guy is totally bushi, I mean man that really hurt.
by Muramasa August 26, 2004
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someone who does not know how to take a razor to the forest they have growing in thier nether regions even though they wear skirts two days a week and they have it popping out the sides.
also ceo and bitch of VE
OMG did you see katy stretching? shes so bushy!!
by KrisKinsey February 18, 2010
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What you call a girl who has forgotten to mow her private parts
Man 1: Yo bro I've been talking to this girl but her friends have been saying she's a bit of a bushy
Man 2: What does that mean?
Man 1: It means I need to bring a strimmer to the bedroom.
by E has L rizz December 20, 2022
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when your dick or pussy gets hairy
-don't get offended
Sean said to himself is my dick bushy.
by TrollerDefines November 20, 2014
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A name given to anyone with eyebrows that look like bushes.
Raaah, here comes Nathan Sykes a.k.a Bushy, i mean look at those bushes on his face.
by eijer August 3, 2011
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Pronounced buhshee. Used in the same referance as buddy but it proclaims more affection then buddy. You can use it for a best frined that means more to you then family.
Jimmy: Hey bushy whats going on?
Nick: Not much just hanging out.

Jimmy: I love you bushy.
Nick I love you too bushy.
by The original BUSHY March 29, 2010
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