To "bluescreen" a video while you're sitting outside (backyard, porch or something) means to point your phone up at the sky while playing it so that the sky's blue reflection gives your video a uniform reflective hue. This prevents you from seeing your own reflection and other objects on your phone screen. It's super fun because it allows you to watch the video in relaxing, temperate conditions while experiencing all of the humor and jokes the video has to offer. This is usually done with restoration videos in order to bring them to life. If you ever want to spice up a restoration, bluescreening is the way to go. It can also be done with any other type of video to give it a relaxing, outdoor mood.
Friend #1: You said you never swam yesterday. What were you doing outside?
Friend #2: Bluescreening a video.
Friend #1: What type of video?
Friend #2: A restoration video of an SNES console.
Friend #1: How was it?
Friend #2: Satisfying. Now I know that there's some reliable hardware out there.
by arvinthsiva June 25, 2022
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When you drink Pabst Blue Ribbon to the point of getting black out drunk. Your mind fails, much like a computer which blue screens. The term gets its name from the blue ribbon.
I slammed so many peebers last night I was bluescreening.
by Sludge24 May 2, 2022
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