crappy early nineties computers sold to schools with illiterate idiots in them.
A 1993 acorn,
by Gumba Gumba May 30, 2004
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the hard poop that comes out of your rectum that usually causes immense bleeding and could cause loss of sphincter control and vision
Mitch- " dude, Logan, are you alright in there?"

by wobbafett August 8, 2009
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ACronym ORieNted.

A term used to describe entities that rely heavily on acronyms.
The US Military is ACORN.
by Klotz January 20, 2004
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1. As in 'Acorn Academy' - the name of my school.

2. The name of my school which I wish to change. (I'm homeschooled, so I can sorta do that..)
Acorn Academy is a weird name for a school. I want to change it.
by invisible February 12, 2004
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A FBI agent or snitch of LUE that goes around making people cry!
by fafdfdafdsfds December 11, 2003
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verb To acornize means to do what FOX News and conservatives did to ACORN, namely point out a single mistake and then build on that to condemn the whole organization. The word was first used on the Cynthia Black radio show.
Hannity is attempting to acornize of the safe schools czar.
by rich rick March 29, 2010
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