An occurrence, action, event, or happening that surpasses "epic" proportions. In order for something to truly be anthemic it must be worthy of songs of praise and glory written in its honor.
Wow, that final over time goal was anthemic!
by Melvin King June 28, 2011
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A game developed by BioWare, and produced by EA, release date scheduled February 22, 2019. Possibly a new step forward in gaming as we know it (And by that I mean battle royal games are old and we need something new).
Dude 1: "Hey did you hear about that new game anthem?"

Dude 2: "Yeah BR's are old now, i'm excited for something new."
by That_boi_that_do_123 December 18, 2018
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jnfdjnfdjnfd gfdsjgdsjngs gjngfjkngfdjkngfdjkn
by Blahb April 23, 2005
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The greatest song ever written, used by Rich Piana, our favorite natural bodybuilder
Bro 1: Hey, you ready for this 8 hour arm workout?
Bro 2: Yeah, lemme just turn on the Natty Anthem
by Trengod October 8, 2018
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some friend: "do you know that song called Sweater Weather?"
me: "do you mean the bisexual anthem?"
by indiechaotic May 10, 2020
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A piece of music which is often become a source of inspiration for confidence, or which lowers one's inhibition, to perform promiscuous acts. Said music often have sexual-themed lyrics and ambiance, hence the association with hoes.
Don't Cha by Pussycat Dolls is her hoe anthem that her inner hoe comes out every time it's on!
by The Pakdhe August 6, 2018
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They are band from New Jersey. They sound like Bruce Springsteen playing the Clash with Mike Ness, John Lee Hooker, B.B. King, and Lee Rocker in the back up band and Charles Dickens is their manager.
They play real music that comes from the Soul, not greed

Best songs are
The 59 Sound
Old White Lincoln
Here's to looking at you Kid
Meet Me By the Rivers Edge
Kid One: Hey man have you heard of The Gaslight Anthem?
Kid Two: No, whos that
Kid One: Shows him
by BrianFallon June 25, 2010
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