An embarrassing phenomenon occurring mostly in males, in which an amount of urine escapes immediately following the return of the penis to the pants after urination.
"Sorry I'm standing with my back towards you. I just got out of the bathroom, and the size of my aftershock is very noticeable."
by CAftershock February 3, 2009
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That moment after you Jack off that you realize you have nothing to clean up with
The aftershock was terrible when Devin jerked off in the dentists office
by deeppenetrator36 April 5, 2015
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The pain you get after a nutshot. This will happen in the stomach area or lower.
Boy who just got hit in the nuts: OMG here comes the aftershock
Everyone Else: hahahahahah!
by Mr.Bill with Phil May 22, 2009
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The vibrations and reverberating sound that occur when you pound a big booty from behind.
Man, last night I so pounded that ass that my neighbour could hear the aftershocks.
by Dizzy Chicks January 16, 2010
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You shit, wipe up, put your pants on and leave the bathroom. Then 5 minutes later you have to take another shit that's equally or more violent then the 1st.
I was late for the movie due to a series of aftershocks
by mcboston January 30, 2010
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Having a 2nd round at wanking within 20-30 minutes of the first one.
Jimothy Carlisle: Dude, I was so bored, I just went for an aftershock.
Robin Banks: Horny bastard
by BillWexerwacker December 12, 2018
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The unexpected dislodge of any mixture of saliva, semen, sweat or lubrication from the anus followed by anal sex. Usually, it is through the act of farting. The dislodged mixture looks similar to snot and is usually clear. It can be slightly to very brown colored depending on how influential the receiver's poop is.
The explosion is a natural bodily function in which the buttocks uses to filter itself to become clean. The action presents itself anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours after receiving penetration.
Jordan: "Come to bed, dude."

Max: "I can't yet."

Jordan: "Why not?"

Max: "Dude, we just went at it for an hour; my aftershock is gonna be huge!"


Austin: "Oh, boy! Gotta run to the bathroom. Aftershock just hit me."
Gramma Nancy: "But, church just started, darling."

Also known as: butt pop, fuck fart, after orgasm, cumfart
by Griffin F Thomas April 16, 2010
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