the state of mind and overall feeling of a dextromethorphan trip.

When one is "skipping on trittles," he/she is completely overcome by the dissociative mind expanding state, wandering a world void of dimension and reason, where the colours take control the rainbows flow from evry crevace of the brain.
See how big his eyes are!? I'm tellin' you, he's skipping on trittles again."
by Wild Drunken Bill April 26, 2007
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A term used to describe an Anglo-saxon Australian, but to be more precise, a synonym for 'Dinkum Aussie'.

Derived from the Australian TV show 'Skippy' starring a Kangaroo from the Australian bushland.
1) You skips can't handle spicy food!
2) You won't find any skips down in Springvale.
3) You're too skip drive a Skyline.
by pHr34kY April 4, 2004
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a large metal bin used by construction workers to place rubble, dirt, random trash and shit
hey son, we're cleanin out the garage, go and hire a skip
by crazy_mofo November 11, 2003
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A term of derision by non-Anglo-Celtic Australians to describe Anglo-Celtic Australians. Especially used in inner-urban, working class areas of Melbourne frequented by children of Greek, Italian or Vietnamese migrants ("wogs") to describe (especially blue eyed, blond) Anglo-Celtic Australians. Only considered very mildly offensive. Started in the mid nineteen-seventies and still occasionally used in the early twenty-first century, as there is no similar word available for this purpose.

Derived from "Skippy", a very popular Australian TV program from the 1960's about a (very clever) kangaroo and his human (Anglo-Celtic Australian) guardians.
"Piss off ya ugly leb wog!"
"Yeah, up yours, skip!"
by Sodomy Swine October 18, 2005
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Short for Skipper, the person in charge of steering a seafaring vehicle.
by doodz0rz July 26, 2004
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searching through rubbish skips for useable stuff, esp. supermarket food skips
by Anonymous September 23, 2002
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