A penis so covered in shit from gay sex that the penis chemically bonded with the little brown nuggets of shit. Most commonly held among Harry’s.
He ripped down his trousers to reveal his shwang to everyone’s surprise
by Professor 8 inches June 23, 2019
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when girls got there shorts really short and there butt is almost hanging out.
ewwwwww look at the shwang on that nasty girl
by tina November 6, 2003
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a word worth yelling after something good, bad (if used sarcastically), or hillarious happens
-"D00d, look! Girl on girl!"
-"Shwang! Let's watch!"
by wtfRachela August 29, 2008
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Shwang is Zuko’s World’s version of Pog. In his recent streams he is making Shwang a thing since Pog is over used.
by JPampers November 5, 2019
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Shwang is derived from the African word "Sh'Wiang" which means "enjoyment in light of material possesions." Shwang is often used in reference to riding in cars.
Yo, I got some shwang on that thang!
by Darky April 9, 2003
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