When a person talks too much shit and creates drama
Omg hunter shit up

Nikki you need to shit up

Chelsey if you don’t shit up
by Cautiondelicate May 18, 2019
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to be covered in copious amounts of shit.
Sal - aw yeah, so I come 'ome and Billy 'n Ben have left the toilet seat all fackin shitted up. I mean seeeeeriously...
by Truth & co March 4, 2014
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Working out vigorously with full bowels, then trying too hard to get that 'last' sit-up. At least your whole anus didn't pop out, like has happened to some unfortunate weight lifters.
Weight lifter: *pant* *pant* uuHHUNNGHHT! *sploosh*
Random hot girl walking by: Aww gross... did you just shit-up?
by beep beep bitch! March 5, 2007
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When auto-correct changes your message from shut up to shit up.
Text convo:
Robb - "What's up asshole?"
John - "Shit up!"
by johndeezo November 12, 2017
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The act of pooping while vomiting at the same time.
Eg. 1: My buddy Aaron had a stomach virus and chronic diarrhea, so he was shitting up all over the place. He didn't know either to shit or vomit in the toilet.

Eg. 2: My buddy Andy got food poisoning and ate a bran muffin, so he was shitting up all over the place.
by TheGamingGamer1 March 18, 2014
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"yo dude lets get shitted up 2night"

"bro I'm gonna shit up u wanna join?"
by bananapricot July 17, 2015
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to get pissed around, to be in a state after just breaking up with your bird/lad, to be annoyed.
Gaz - You seen Baz lately?
Chaz - Nope, he's been pretty shitted up after Lozza dumped him for Daz.
Gaz - Fuck.
by Cat(: February 8, 2008
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