the visible lump(s) that result from shitting your pants in underwear, briefs, or any skin-tight variant.
Diana totally has rumples in her pants, but at least her hair looks AMAZING! OMG.
by Jake Menashe February 24, 2005
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Prior to the act of anal intercourse, the gentleman produces some saliva onto his fingertips or directly onto his partners anus to lubricate the anal insurtion!
If your a gentleman you will not forget to rumple first!

"Hold on dear i still need to rumple!"
by Joe Armstrong January 19, 2006
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slang word referring to those of a non-white, but not necessarily black ethnic origin, primarily Middle-Eastern.

Contraction of the name Rumpleshitskin.

Based upon the popular fairytale character Rumplestiltskin.

Interchangable with, Raghead, Dune Coon, Grit Nigger, Nappy Head, Towel Head etc.

First used by Jerry Black, of Plymouth U.K. on 10.04.2008.

"My mate in the Marines had a fucking great time in Iraq slotting Rumples."
by Jerry Black April 14, 2008
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To give the appearance of being disheveled, messy, unkempt, untidy, or scruffy to a person, object, situation, etc..
"Watch out! I just got all cleaned up and now you knock me onto the ground!"
"I am so sorry. I got you all rumpled...let me help you tidy up. It's the least I can do."
by Jame$m88 April 5, 2014
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a short midgetlike man or women that is weird and goofy,rumple stands for rumplestiltskin the fictional character. Who was a short deformed midget.
by A.W. Anonymous April 10, 2008
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One who is boisterous, loud, full of life, vitality, and high spirits, a real rebel. He is usually stubborn and sticks to his guns. He is a peacemaker but he's not afraid to fight when necessary. He can hit you like a hurricane.
I'm glad that dude is a friend and not an enemy because you don't want to see him get ready to Rumple. He kicks ass!
by Rumplemeister October 20, 2011
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'Rumple', meaning an ecstacy tablet, has its origins in the bowels of a popular night spot in the midlands. Usually consumed by a chinned creature, often closely resembling rumplestiltskin. He will almost certainly be lost in his own mind. Hobbies chiefly include gurning.
"Excuse me mate, any chance you've got any cheeky rumples i could purchase?"
by Nick Warren & Andy Richardson November 13, 2004
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