An insult used in Buffy the Vampire Slayer which is directed mostly to Spike by Xander and Angel. They use this probably cause Spike bleaches his hair which is oh so sexy by the way :p.
Angel: "I'm getting the brush off for Captain Peroxide"

I call Ryne Captain Peroxide sometimes cause of his super blond hair which is surprisingly natural :p
by tara_bkk October 9, 2005
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A teenage girl with bleached blond hair. They usually wear micro skirts or very short short shorts. Also wear excessive amounts of make-up, fly glasses when the sun isn't out, and skater shoes. See also Fly-Princess
Woah, I didn't know shorts could get THAT short! Only a Peroxide Princess could pull that off.
by HOTBOB October 13, 2008
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The medicinal Special Forces. pour it on a cut, scrape, etc, and it'll foam white. hurts like crap, but it kills everything bad.
i usually wait about a day before applying Hydrogen Peroxide to a cut or scrape, that way it hurts less.
by Chowderz May 9, 2011
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synonomous to peroxide abuser, but taken a step further. These are the orange skinned slutty girls with the huge knockers and bitchy attitudes. You know who I mean.
Me - Dude, I can't believe you're going out with that fucking peroxide bitch.
by thequickbreathfinisher May 24, 2005
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Poser,thinks the world revolves around them. Bleached hair, claims to skate, lame, messed, what more can u ask of a poser?
"I'm so cool, I did a nollie 360." No you didn't, you peroxide abuser
by right/with/the/world December 20, 2002
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Something that can kill you if you drink it!
Its formula is H2O2!
It is proof that oxygen is like the human race... murdering as well as life-sustaining.

PS... It is not all bad, it can be used as a steriliser and as a teeth whitener, just DON'T DRINK IT!
Guy 1: I need a drink... Ahhh a cup of water.
Guy 1: Relax m8, it's just an extra oxygen atom...
Guy 2: But Oxygen is like the human race... it's...
(Guy 1 goes all pale and dies)
Guy 2: NOOOO, H2O2 kills... I didn't make that obvious??? WAAAAAAAA
by Itz Rob May 1, 2016
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Matt didn't wear a condom with that girl last night. Wes told him to take a peroxide bath
by Wesonetwo November 19, 2021
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