Overly sentimental or affectionate in a cliche'd way
Some of the love scenes were extremely mushy
by G-M-C March 23, 2005
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someone cute. when you just want to squeeze their cheeks like a baby.
Mason is such a mushie i just want to squeeze his cheeks!!!”
by laloca April 11, 2019
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Halucinogenic mushrooms. Usually of the genus Psilocibe.
"Aaaarrrr man, these mushies are fucken intense".
by Anonymous June 23, 2003
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The sweet nothings you get from your bae .
Girl 1: You should hear the mushies I got from my boyfriend last night.

Girl 2: Ooooo. What he say?

Girl 1: He was all like "I'm never gonna leave you, you're my babe, I love you more than those tacos you gave me last night."
by idkit January 3, 2015
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1) adj. alittle bit overly sentimental

2) adj. soft and malable
1) That movie would have been better if they didn't make it so mushy.

2) I like mushy fruit like bananas, peaches, and tomatoes.
by l7ol7e March 14, 2005
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He is so mushy.
by musher2021 September 11, 2018
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Hallucinogenic mushrooms. Often referred to as, mushy/mushie/mushies.
G: Did you find any mushies?
B: Yeah
by inkyursela October 7, 2008
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