Someone with sexy hips, an amazing voice, big boobs, and is all round Sexy
by PeanutButterJellyTime January 9, 2008
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Jennie: I beautiful and gorgeous girl. She is so sweet and caring and everyone loves her. Jennie deserves all the love in the world. She is so loving and kind, she is just perfect.
Chaeyoung: Jennie is so amazing, I am glad she is my girlfriend.
Jisoo: Yes you are very lucky to have a girl like Jennie.
Lisa: You got that right Jisoo. I love Jennie.. congratulations Chaeyoung.
by Jxnnie Kxm March 8, 2019
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The exact definition of Badass. She’s never soft towards those she loves, only some.
“Wow, Jennie isn’t even kissing Irene today.”
by Jennie is a cutie who loves me November 29, 2018
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diminutive for Jennifer, comes from the Welsh Guinevere, meaning 'white waves', the white crest of a wave, sometimes called white horses.
Hi Jennie, Hello Jennie.
by whitehorses5 January 24, 2012
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A blonde haired, blue eyed one of a kind spectacle that attracts many men and is the envy of nearly every woman. She can be shy at first, but is normally an amazingly gifted person. With a combination of sexual provocation, an unstoppable will and incredible intelligence, the Jennie is able to control people without much power. Extremely confident and beautiful on the outside, but sensitive on the inside. She has become the obsession of many men, but is true to who she loves. An extremely bright individual, but is sometimes faced with difficulties from time to time. Very strong and almost fearless in any situation. She certainly enjoys independence, but is very faithful, loving and can be a devil in the sheets for someone who's worth it and even enjoys being commanded from time to time. She is a one of a kind girl that is independent, mysterious, funny, smart, and talented. If you are lucky to meet this girl, you will surely fall into her spell. But its a spell that will have you enchanted and wanting more. Let it take over ;)
Master: Wow Mistress, that was amazing.
Jennie: I know what you want, I got what you need ;)
Master: I knew i'd get through to you eventually :)
Jennie: I was pleasantly surprised myself
Master: I know ;)
Jennie: Round 2
Master: lol
by MasterWakaNegroSaki January 3, 2013
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She likes to steal your happiness and even your man... Not all of them are the same ...but all the Jennies I've met before are just sl*ts
I asked Jennie nicely
"Where are you from ?"
"She replied "do you know nothing ABOUT NEW ZEALAND
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