where people rage because asimo3089 can't fix his game
by geminijets October 28, 2020
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Jailbreaking devices (like iPhones) gives you extra functionality on your iDevice.

An example (back in 2010-ish): Jailbraking the iPhone because I found something other than AT&T.

Jailbreaking a device gives you access to games, apps, and themes.
Me: Uses a iPhone 6+
My friend: Why are still using the iPhone 6?
Me: I jailbroke it using checkra1n.
My friend: What’s a jailbreak?
Me: It’s a way to get new apps, games, and themes on your iDevice!
My friend:

Me: Why are you not talking?
by MyHatsuneMikuWriter January 18, 2021
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The best way to get features on iOS devices that app doesn’t offer
Hey man I just used jailbreak for my iPhone and I got more apps
by Klinkhammer June 4, 2019
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you better check your drawers, that sounded like a jailbreak.
by ccnutmnkey December 9, 2004
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the time immediately after leaving a long term relationship when you rediscover your freedom and have sex with as many people as you can
he only just broke up with her and already he's shagged 4 other girls

oh he's just on a jailbreak
by little acorn August 29, 2011
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Making your crappy iPhone have more freedom. Basically turning it into an Android.
"Oh look Bob jailbreaked his crappy iPhone."
by Thicc Chungus February 1, 2019
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When your penis dangles down one of your legs and partly exists outside of your underwear. Never happens when wearing tight pants.
"Yo dude, look away. I've got to put my hand in and stop a jailbreak.
by Deli God February 23, 2013
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