something that makes you smell good and not like horse ass
something that makes you smell good and not like horse ass
(after bath)
ok jimmy....see bathing is something that makes you smell good and not like horse ass
by SailorStarmi May 27, 2017
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An action used when hearing a lot of tea/gossip, preferably when there is too much tea to simply sip
“Wow Karen spilled ALL the tea to me I was bathing!”
“I bathed in all the tea he told me last night”
by googlypops101 October 18, 2018
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Spoiled, shown excess love or appreciation.
Damn, that girl is bathed.
by Dwclark February 6, 2018
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A great way to be dirtier than you were when you got in the bath, and sat in your ass water.
A bath dont make no sence, a lot like a redneck
by John April 6, 2005
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Tony: whats up
Matt: nothin much i just got out of the bath
Tony: Fag
by get the fuck out of my grill February 24, 2005
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like a shower but instead of getting clean you just sit in your own filth.
I am going to give my dog a bath.
please help someone has broken into my home and is now taking a bath inside of my bathroom.
by plasma3673 January 23, 2022
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The county seat of Steuben County in Southern Tier Ny.
"Bath is 20 miles North of Corning, Ny,"
by TimeStand July 26, 2004
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