A film from the mid 90's starring Tom Hanks as a retard who seemingly takes part in every event in the 1960's.
Jimmy watched Forrest Gump 50 times last night just so he could see Tom Hanks' ass over and over again.
by Ginko Biloba September 7, 2003
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1. The act of running away from a horrible situation (i.e. a blind date nightmare), and just take off running.

2. To just up and take off running, usually in someone's face with no remorse. Also known as "gumping it"
Man, that bitch wasn't the same as her pictures she sent. I Forrest Gumped that ho.

These punkasses tried to jump me in the alley. I straight Gumped those fools and bounced.
by TheRagingDemon856 February 12, 2010
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After FUCKING some chick so hard; she needs leg braces and is slightly RETARDED after the ensuing offense. She also mumbles and drools when she gets excited or is in heat.
by Bust Down November 1, 2010
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An un-racist retard that went to college for football instead of cross country
Forrest Gump
by HomeBracelet377 March 5, 2019
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1)person - Forrest Gump- Showed LBJ his butt, Fought in Viet Nam, started a shrimp company, just kept running
2)Pulling something off with pure ignorance and luck.
1) Forrest Gump sure does like chocolates
2)You Forrest Gumped your way through college you bastard. Dude you totally Forrest Gumped your way into her pants!
by Matt September 8, 2003
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The act of attempting to class up a dick pic by including a box of chocolates next to it via email on an internet dating site.
Guy 1: Yo, my boy Shannon Sharpe has been slaying the ladies on match.com lately.

Guy 2: Really? How's he doing it? I'm having zero luck on there.

Guy1: He's sending every girl the Forrest Gump.
by Shannon Sharpe January 22, 2014
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a retard who is quite funny. He runs real fast and talks real slow.
andrew mukon
by Ali_&_Dan September 11, 2003
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