Someone who wants to date a girl with the same name as themselves so they can scream their own name during sex
egotist: ohhh me yes baby give it to me
by Young Reezie November 5, 2009
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Someone who thinks they are the best and are never wrong.
Aretha is very Egotistical
by Zeke April 8, 2004
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1) one who has become so ultimately consumed by their ego, that their entire view of the world and everyone in it is twisted. They usually perceive themselves as 'God's Gift to Women (mayhaps Men ...)' or are just plain sick as well as cocky.

2) A person whose ego exceeds both his intelligence and his capacity to see beyond his own personal interests.

3) A self-absorbed waste of oxygen who expects us to grovel at their feet like the unwashed masses they see us as

4) Someone who talks just to hear themselves (because no-one else will listen)

5) being egoist, is loving, respecting and admiring yourself more than any other being in the World. when you simply think, you're the best.
in better words: your egoist when you start feeling sorry for someone because you don't love him/her:)

by Jen Shultz August 6, 2007
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Someone who is egotistical has incredibly high confidence in themselves. They often tend to be very pretentious and arrogant. They tend to be disliked by their peers.
Thomas: I was one of three trumpets accepted into Northwestern's School of Music

Derek: With credentials like that, what fantastic job do you have?

Thomas: I was the director of a very fine group back in Wassau, Wisconsin and forever changed the direction their program. After that, I directed THE Eagan High School Wind Ensemble, and THE Eden Prarie Community Band. Both of which are better than most, if not all college bands.

Jeff: Wow! How do those ensembles do in competition?

Thomas: I don't need a judge to tell me how good my ensembles are!

Conrad: Shut up Tom! Why must you be so egotistical?
by trombone69 October 30, 2011
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1. a person who insists on talking about himself/herself when you want to talk about yourself
2. a person who yells out his/her own name on reaching orgasm
Theo is such an egotist. He is not just foolishly infatuated with himself. With him it is the real thing.
by yorrick hunt January 26, 2008
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stuck up.
not modest.
full of themselves.
Bowman is an egotistical girl.
by bejo October 25, 2008
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Person who is poor but acts like he/she is royalty! Treats hospitality workers and restaurant serves like shit; making outrageous demands and embarrassing their dining partners. Serious delusions of grandeur, cheapskates and a know it all. "DO YOU WHO I AM?" Yeah, we know who you are; you are a bitch ass coward who acts like you are better than everyone, because you are a loser and a coward in real life! They can't keep a mate and blame the world for all of your failures. If they have a mate the treat them like doormats and may end up being murdered for the life insurance money..
Steve was so egotistical that he felt that he was entitled to have everything handed to him. Shut the fuck up! You ain't that special!
by Milesahead16 February 5, 2016
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