This word was accidentally created circa 1973 by a group of high-school students at a northern Indiana school.

The original spelling of the word was 'D-W-E-E-D' and was meant to be a shortened form of dickweed. By using the word dweed, they were able to call their classmates derogatory terms in front of teachers with no repercussions.

Because only a select group of students knew what was actually being said, the word was mispronounced in abundance, causing the word to be spoken as dweeb.
"You're such a dweed."

"I'm not a dweeb!"
by Child of originator March 11, 2014
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This is actually an acronym for the phrase "dick with eyebrows," you dummmies. You are calling someone a walking penis.
You are all dweebs because you did not know the origins of the word you thought you were defining.
See urbtards.
by John Heinz Kerry November 10, 2004
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"You know who is a complete dweeb?" asked Damon to Regan.
"Ira Dorough."
"I know, eh?" Regan commented.
by Babydoll75 March 9, 2019
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First of all, Dweebs are way different than geeks, nerds, or dorks.
- Studious looking guys
- Very intelligent
- How they are oblivious to how cute they are (which makes them cuter)
-They look ah-dorable in glasses
-They don't have douche-y friends
-Lunch boxes
-They are awkward
- Their skinny-ness is way better than muscel-y beefy guys that have ugly thick necks.
- They watch Star Wars and know all of the characters names, so you don't feel lost when watching it with them.
- They wear watches, so you'll always know what time it is.
- They are outdoorsy/ like to experience nature.
- Use complex words. ex: pupillary sphincter.
- They read books in their spare time
-They are nice to their mothers.
"I love Seth Cohen on the OC he's such a dweeb!"
by LeoParade June 18, 2009
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Girls named Devon who wear glasses.
Hottie 1: Oh my gosh did you know Devon wears glasses?

Less of a hottie 2: Wait really??

Hottie 1: Yeah!

Hottie 2: Oh my gosh she is the definition of a dweeb
by SuperHottie1 October 16, 2020
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