D Bo is the slang name for Dearborn, Michigan.
1. If you want to say that you live in Dearborn, Michigan, you would say i live in D Bo.
2. I live in D Bo.
3. Do you live in D Bo?
by DUDE FANCY September 22, 2006
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1.)Slang for Dianabol, an oral steroid used by athelets to enhance performance.2.) Nickname for someone accused of using illeagl anabolic steroids.
Hey that footbal player is so huge you know he's on D Bo.
by J DUvall July 18, 2006
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Person who thinks their music preferences are far more superior to that of anyone elses. Also a person who thinks they are 'too-good' for the radio.
David: You guys listen to country? Fucking Losers.
Sam: David you're such D-Bo.
by meangirl526 December 10, 2007
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A diss or a burn. Used when a person's diss is so good, the other person has no comeback.
Person: Yo momma got her purse stolen at the club last night

Everyone else in unison: Ooooh, D-bo!
by Inquisitor911 May 4, 2005
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The baller who be takin all yo sheeit while u chill on the porch
D-bo done came by and D-bo'd my chain and my bicycle
by Brad February 22, 2003
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A pointless peice of psycho-babble usualy shouted when someone gets "Played." Often the major of linquistics in the language of the idiot. The mating call of the elusive Farrahd.
by Alexander Poniz / Jake Jackson February 29, 2004
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some Fag in roselle park that plays in the band International Orange
I went to do D-bo and his cats last night
by Smoochies April 9, 2003
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