When you use an exercise band to hold someone’s head in place while they give you a blowjob
by CJ142857 April 26, 2022
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To have intercourse with a hole in a persons body caused by crucifixion
Man my girlfriend and I had a satanic ritual, so we had some hot Crucifixion Snatch sex afterwards
by GodlyMammoth April 6, 2017
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When you tie a girl up on a cross and whip her hard nipples with an olive vine until they bleed.
Did you hear that Warren did the Italian Crucifixion to Heather last night?
by El wapo August 26, 2017
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A Greek Crucifixion is when a man, typically gay, takes on four or more other guys at once.

The term name comes from the Greeks, as known for being gay, and Crucifixion, because he has dicks in every possible part of his body, simulating the nails and crown of thorns used on Christ.
Dude Randy got a Greek Crucifixion from those 5 gay tweakers next door last night. Now he has AIDS!
by Trz Sewercap May 21, 2020
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When somebody at a catholic school gets ninered it is called crucifixion. It is only crucifixtion if it involves homosexual acts or acts of fuckery
Kamal: oh shit its the seniors
Jamal: do you know why they are here

Kamal: no why
Jamal: fucking crucifixion
by .... October 10, 2019
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In the specific circumstantial case of Jesus Christ second coming,

Crucify- Forever respected, appreciated and compensated for the torture endured by the former term of crucifixion.
Christian: Hey Jesus how’s ya crucifixion treating you?

Jesus: “Yeah it’s pretty rad being the lord in heaven and all, just had to come visit a second time to make sure you all behave.

Jesus: Father into your hands I commit my spirit to party! I mean why not, in gods name we war? we kill? We continuously try to bury the notion that god exists through the ages? If god graced us with free will we might as well make a party of life. Im certain our father wants us to enjoy our life we are given.”

Christian: F*ck I love you Jesus
by Such is Life July 26, 2021
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Where you nail your penis to a board. By then attempting to have anal sex with a gorilla. Leading you to get stomped to death.
I am so ashamed of myself that I am surrendering myself to a Japanese crucifixion
by Huyah sushi July 28, 2019
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