Get fucked up or trashed, to become inebriated to the point of disbelief, by drugs or alcohol.
by College dropout September 5, 2019
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1. To be dishonest or corrupt, often used in reference to a police officer.
2. To be at a stage of severe intoxication due to the use of narcotics and/or alcohol.
3. To be homosexual or effeminate in appearance or nature.
1. "Supt. Sam Tucker was a bent cop."
2. "Oh man, I was totally bent last night."
3. "You are so friggin' bent!"
by crackotfige September 5, 2005
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(adj.) to be pissed off, angered
Cynthia got all bent when she thought Justin going to jail was an elaborate hoax.
by Sinister Rouge June 21, 2004
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A slang term for Bend and or Dent
by Chigatti February 2, 2006
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A word meaning to get literally injured or "Fucked Up" or "Messed Up".
" Jet Li got that youngin so bent. "

- James Broady Jr.
by JIN Legion - Jerrard V. Broady February 6, 2009
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A man who is not, shall we say, straight. Another word for a gay guy, such as Chris Webb.
ex...Man that Chris Webb sure is bent.
by Conner Kropf May 8, 2006
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