A spot in the hip region of a female body which, when lightly tapped, causes the female to become significantly more sexually aroused. It is located in a slightly different place for each woman, but is generally found near the hips. It was most likely named after the '57' marking on Heinz ketchup bottles which, when tapped, causes the ketchup to flow out of the bottle with greater ease.
All I had to do was tap that 57 and moments later I was deep-dickin that shit.
by Wittgenstein December 9, 2006
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Literally the most amazing number. It is better than every other number.
Henry: What do you think the best number is?
Everyone: 57!
by mathmajor57 February 12, 2021
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The girl gets on her knees and performs head on the guy who is draped over her shoulder while simultaneously fucking her with his foot.
"Wow Daniel, that 57 we did was quite orgasmic!"
by fresca66 February 21, 2008
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equivalent to "Bo"

can be interchanged with the word or letters "bo"
that dude had the worst 57, he should get some Deoderant.

I really like Heinz Bo sauce

sometimes i feel like im on a 57at
by 57supanigga57 December 1, 2009
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The number of states that Barack Obama thinks are in the US.
"Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states."
by MoKnow February 5, 2017
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Someone that had an old crush crushy on a nerd j34a (Morse code for someone in the server;)) and they got “married”
Ns:haha arthur Morgan go boom

Yue: ok they.57 at least I’m with that nerd
by Atcyue October 31, 2020
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