My only desire
Is you!

I love you....

I will figure out a way to get in your arms ....

warning... I have every intention on never letting go
1010: I love you soooooo much❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I am soooo in love with you... sorry I was high maintenance... but I do have a post coming someday saying you have made me an emotional woman...

Totally would have reinacted last night if I could have made it work tonight... worse case scenario, you aren’t there... completely worth the risk. May need to have a script or a prerecorded message lol

you may want to watch your numbers lol . Those numbers are like a turkey call... gobble gobble....

haven’t been drinking, you just make me giddy.
1010: Love you❤️❤️❤️🦃
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Postcode for the Central Auckland Area (CBD)
Postcode for the CBD is 1010
by eggzs November 25, 2008
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I want to talk to you!
I want to hug you!

I don’t want to be patient

I will if I have to, but...

I want to love you

I want you to love me
1010: I love you!
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I love to banter with you
Although you frazzle me

I love that you challenge me
Not to mention when you do respond, your answers are perfect...

you can work on your answer to questions ratio though

I love you and just want to be wrapped in your arms... that would be .... I don’t even have a word to describe it❤️❤️❤️
1010: priceless ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I can only imagine how crazy you think I am, but you already knew!

Just think of the additional crazy as a bonus... kinda like 20% more for free... this is total bargain.

And no we don’t need to debate the percentage !
1010; I love you !❤️
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If you haven’t been able to tell, I am getting impatient... but FINE I will be patient and stop thinking of ideas that are not well thought out!!! Iwysb!!!

It is hard to be patient!!!... you seem to have patience... how?

I just need you!! So many things I want to tell you!!! Show you!!! Do with you... I heard a love song tonight... I looked for you... unless you were spicy Doritos, you weren’t there, but I saw us dancing in the aisle!!! Consider this a heads up!!! Totally.. dancing in the aisles!!
1010; I love you and want our someday today, but I will always wait!! My planning has not always turned out the best lol
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