To be fuck in the ass, to get owned, to lose, to screw up
Cartman"ha kyle just got f'd in the a!"
by Cheif Mojo Rising October 9, 2005
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The term used in the popular show on Comedy Central, South Park, when someone gets served
Cartman: Ha! You just got F'd in the A!
by maxatron October 24, 2008
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Not what you are probably thinking...
F'd is when there is so much pressure you just flunk everything and get a big, fat F!
if you live in Davis, CA you would understand the pressure
I just F'd everything, my homework, and life
by a#REALfriend October 10, 2018
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To get the business in the anal cavity, by a big black guy named Butch.
My friend Keith just got F'd in the A!!
by Rocky May 11, 2004
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Reciprocal Preterite Verb.

A term, often used as an explative, to describe an event or action that resulted in an embarrassing, comical, or anger provoking outcome.
If someone cuts you off on the freeway, one might tell you: Dude! You just got F'd in the A by a grandma driving a pink Taurus! You're gay!
Or, if you are at a Halo party and "A flying waffle" just killed you for the 26 1/2th time, you might exclaim: Would you stop fuckin' F'ing me in the A? Gawd!
And finally, the epitome of F'd in the A-ism: If Chuck Norris round kicked you in the face, you would be royally F'd in the A, seeing as how Chuck Norris's roundhouse kicks can shatter stone, not to mention other round kicks.
by Corpsey July 5, 2006
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Waiting for a package to arrive via overnight delivery. Only to find out after much delay, it's coming tomorrow.
Tad: Hey, your new iPad's coming today isn't it?

Chaz: Na man! I paid $30 bucks extra to get today...I got Fed F'd!
by JC42 June 24, 2010
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