When someone is hesitating to roll a dice at a tense part of a game in fear that they roll a low number, so they just keep bouncing the dice around in their hand, making it look like they are giving an invisible handjob.
"C'mon man, just roll it! Stop jerking the dice!"
by Saqvobase March 3, 2019
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1. Masturbating with tranquillity until you finish, then you feel immediate shame for jerking off/ jerking in (if female)

2. Jerking off the something that gives you shame (Hentai, loli porn, BDSM)
Man 1: Hey dude, I think I had a Shame Jerk yesterday. Everything was going good until I finished and then I realized jerking off to loli porn is not ok!

Man 2: same thing happens to me when I bust, except I always feel shame for doing such a disgraceful act while looking at a picture of my sister
by Facts Rap December 19, 2021
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When you beat off to geometry. Not to be confused with circle jerk.
Timmy! You better not be having a circles jerk again! That's not what I meant by do your math homework!
by TrickyPiggy January 8, 2019
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when you want to have a circle jerk but there’s only you and 2 other mates so you have to have a triangle shaped jerk
I can’t believe that the other lads bailed on us, i guess you, me, and our other mate will have to have an illuminati jerk.
by briandavisbouttanut October 21, 2017
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The youtube channel that most frequently posts about drama, cheating, karens, and being punched beacuse they are rich; could also be a question asked to if they cid something bad
1. Have have you seen that channel” Am i the jerk?” channel its so cool!
2. Am i the jerk? for hitting my mom?
by Retro sukist December 25, 2022
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The act of jerking off or masturbating while talking to a lovely voice over a prostitution hotline. This may be done only while the phone is on speaker for maximum pleasure.
Mom get the fuck out of my room,!I am trying to execute the hotline jerk!
by NLJTGETSWOLLORDIE September 13, 2017
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When you walk around and jerk your dick off in public!
Yo... just saw a walkin jerk on queen west bruv! Intense look he had in his eye I felt for his dick!
by Uncle Sam’s Kitchen April 15, 2019
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