This is when a situation is unusually and extremely awkward. "Awk City" can be upped to "Awk Nation" when the situation is the most awkward possible. This can only be used in extreme circumstances.
"He just texted me about how he wears diapers."
"Awk city/nation."
by A.W.K March 16, 2010
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It means awkward, but it's just more fun to say.
*awkward moment*

"Somebody just boarded the awk train.."
by THE NICKONATOR December 8, 2011
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when a person has an odd ab out. like a 7 pack or a 11 pack!
by awkotaco fan February 23, 2012
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v. the act of doing something awkward to cock block yourself or someone else either intentionally or unintentionally
I was hitting on the brides sister but had to stop because her father came over and said something about her medication, it was a total awk block.
by jlgood May 29, 2011
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When you are in an awkward situation and you get out of it or you see one coming and you prevent it from happening.
Me and this girl were talking about Trump and things got pretty awkward so I had to de-awk the situation and change the subject to puppies.
by iamanthonydean November 17, 2018
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grippa, meaning very
awk, meaning awkward.
very awkward
shit, the teacher just peed his pants.
yeah son, that was grippa awk
by nodiggityrizile July 31, 2008
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