When the balance is so uneven between two teams such that noncompetitive game and a thorough defeat is virtually guaranteed. Usually used in a choose-up selection process where one captain picks players or selection is done by letter or number but the result is two unevenly matched teams. The term is used to demand a reselection of teams.
Hey, you can't have Jake and Max and Pete, them's slaughter sides.
by ponytrekker March 25, 2022
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When a girl is so slutty all that can describe her is a mix between a pig slaughterhouse and a cunt. A woman like a hoe or slut.
Guy 1: yo! You know Mary right?

Guy 2: yeah! She's such a slut!

Guy 1: yeah such a slaughter cunt.
by Kodpate July 8, 2016
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Daniella cohn is underaged dating Ethan lang which means man slaughter is dating younger people
by Jenny Craig works people October 11, 2019
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When you wake up in the morning on your period and blood is all over your thighs like a murder scene.
"What in the thigh slaughter happened to me- Oh, wait, I started my period..."
by Butterbean132 July 25, 2023
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Stettler, Albertas meaning for being half an hour to an hour late for an appointment or date.
Depending on use can be rude or funny.
Used in scenarios involving payment for on time services such as food delivery, salon appointments, or dating situations.
"Sorry I slaughtered our appointment..." the hair dresser said to the upset customer.
"You slaughtered our date!" She screamed at the girl who had just arrived 50 minutes past the agreed time.
by Slaughteredtime May 24, 2018
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