In aquatics, the act of ordering fast food in a submarine or other water-associated transport system at an underwater drive-thru.
"Hey! How was your submarine trip?!"
"It was great, Dave! We went to the Dive-Thru!"
by C L G March 24, 2020
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This is when a person is in a Drive-Thru in Kentucky. Preferably a McDonalds and there is an attractive male attending you in your car. You then proceed to flash the man with your breasts. When the man gets an erection you then try to get him to place his penis out of the window when this is achieved you then close the window with extreme force and the penis is disconnected from the rest of his body. You then put the penis in your bag and now you can use the penis for anything you want.
Tom: "Yo, What happened why are you in the emergency room?"
Randy: "This bitch pulled a Kentucky Drive-Thru Massage on me"
by pilpips April 9, 2016
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To be fucked in the ass in a helicopter by people named Nate
Did you guys do a Thru flight before taking off?
by Ken Rudo October 7, 2019
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Engaging in man on man sexual encounters during your first stint in the slammer.
Phil met Hector and went Backpacking thru Spain with him while he was locked up in Rikers.
by Sactowns Finest December 4, 2020
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Staying at lunch through the work day, then going home straight from the restaurant or pub (hopefully, with alcohol involved).
I often get way too buzzed at lunch and end up batting thru instead of going back to the office.
by benito ricohombre August 8, 2014
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To have same meaning as through
IWe achieve our goals thru sheer dtermination
by jocco101 March 21, 2022
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an even faster abbrievation for a drive through at a business.

drive through-->drive thru-->d-thru-->?

If this trend in laziness continues, as i predict it will we will eventually just be calling it "the D"
Lucille: You want to eat inside
Devin: No time, lets use the D-thru
by Connor Charles January 18, 2007
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