Sieg out it a slang used by the Mongrel Mobs based in New Zealand, they are known for their red patch with a bulldog on it. If you see a group of these people walk up to them and say “yoza ko scraps on cunt” and they’ll immediately fall to their knees for you and you will be the leader of the Mongrel Mob
You: Yozaaa Scraps on ow sieg out is shit ko

Mongrel Mob: Oii these guys cool he’s the new leader
by idk what my name is lol October 27, 2022
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The shittiest fucking game in the universe where the whitest people named cody scream racial slurs out loud for all the neighbors to hear. Cody is usually gay and has a boy sucking his dick while playing. Cody also sucks at the game.
Person 1: “hey cody wanna get on r6 siege
Cody: “no i’m out with my boyfriend we can scream racial slurs later cause i’m gay and trash at the game”
by Mr. GimmeDick October 6, 2023
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Sieg is a very loving and passionate girl. She is a heartwarming person who you can trust with your life. She has a good sense of humour and has a deep love for ice cream. She might seem shy at first but once you get to know her she is the most outgoing person and you never get bored of her. She is a really great listener and will support you in whatever you do. once you have a Sieg in your life, never let her go. She is also very very cute and gives the best hugs.
person 1: Wow, she is so pretty and sweet.
person 2: Yeah, she is defenitely a Sieg.
by rainbowfairydust June 5, 2020
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Rainbow Six Siege is a Game published By Ubisoft, and Directed in Ubisoft Montreal, The game is 5v5 on occasional maps, most populer in Custom games is House, Most Features Of the Game is Crouching, Aiming, But no Jumping, And its community is fucking toxic god damn it.
Player 1: your fucking trash kid unistall Rainbow: Six Siege right now
Player 2: this is casual not ranked.
by Pipimi March 3, 2018
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Oh hey Dave how you been? ...Not to good man... Not good at all. Nothing seems to go right lately. Life has clan sieged the shit out of ya.
by Nkr2021 April 22, 2022
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A very dangerous sex position involving tear gas, broken glass, and Molotov cocktails.
Bro, I just ran a Capitol Siege on her ass.”
by alf33613 January 8, 2021
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