Boogie Nook- is the area under your car seat that catches all your boogers while you pick your nose at traffic lights.
Johnny wipes his boogers all over his Boogie nook.
by J-E January 13, 2012
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A tanuki type raccoon who is defenently in some kind of mafia for bells.
Jake: i forgot to pay tom nook!

Elizabeth: dont get me into your mess with tom nook
by Tammy nook May 8, 2022
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The creepy janitors closet in a school near you. Mostly always has a janitor named Neal working there. Strawberry yogurt is often found there because his pet mollusk loves it.
"Hey Jon, lets go to Neal's Nook!"
" No man, his mollusk is probably eating in there! It's creepy!"
by Hank Thomas February 28, 2016
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A place were you wait with your friends, co-workers, or colleges to get picked up at the end of college, class, or work.
Hey meet me at the fun nook.
by GabrielleSmith October 10, 2019
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