It is just criticism but the person who writes it sits on a scaffolding.
Imma just get on the scaffolding and criticize you, constructive criticism
by CrayonEater4259 May 25, 2023
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That friend keeps going back to her shit ex and you are giving her constructive cunticisim.
by Zeeeebruh May 13, 2019
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The so-called "robert construction" is a slang for a specific type of an organisation system which is applicable for box-shaped pieces of furniture with doors or drawers for storing miscellaneous items. The essence of "robert construction" is literally the items to be placed in a way that they will most probably fall down on your forehead at the moment that you try to reach some of the items or simply at the time of opening the door itself. In a more metaphorically way it would be called twisted tetris.
Oh my, I've tried to take a coffee cup from the cabinet yesterday morning and it was such a robert construction there that today I'm watching "The Simpson's" from the hospital with a broken nose and a huge bump on my forehead!
by Foxy Wild December 9, 2020
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A place where you will most certainly lose your sanity.
If you wish to stick around here, you'll need to grow some extremely thick skin.
The people here can be quite relentless.
But, there is a light of hope - there are some sane, smart people here. They are however few and far between.
meta construct is a decent place to be
as long as you can handle losing your sanity
by darthkotya July 1, 2022
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People who work a blue collar life that are always lifting up heavy things and exerting strength through there body at work. These people may look super scrawny but can lift some heavy shit defying the odds.
You see that kid throwing the concrete in the truck ?

Yeah what about him

He’s construction strong
by Bignutsnodust September 7, 2022
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1: A suggestion that often is presented in an encouraging or complimenting way.
2: An idea that truly does not exist or have any meaning; a joke that people may use to describe an overly polite suggestion.
3: Something that one creates in Home Economics because one's group is doing terribly on the cooking assignment, namely one person, which you first send the cold, hard truth, then abandon it and attempt to compliment and suggest ideas at the same time.
Person 1: "Hey, person. What you're doing right now is great, but I think if you did this that would make it better!"
Person 2: "Constructive criticism."
Person 1: "Okay, so you're doing great and I love what you're doing right now, it looks really great and all, but maybe if you did this it would make it even better!"
Person 2: "Did you hear that? They just sugarcoated that so much."
Person 3: "Haha yeah, constructive complimenting am I right?"
Person 2: "Hahaha yep."
by Gr_y_Jay January 26, 2022
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