A big asshole
Enjoys bullying
Likes to set up people
"Did you hear about that kid who was such a wen qi?"
by #qwertyqwertyqwerty April 23, 2019
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A very nice a caring friend that has a big heart. She always helps others when in need. She is friendly and joyful, always happy to make new friends. She is also very smart and wise. She is always there when you need someone to talk to. Not only is she wise, but she is also very unique and special to everyone around her. She's very chill and fun to talk to.
Person 1: Wow is that Wen xiu? She so nice!

Person 2: Yeah I know right. She is literally the nicest person I know.
by justanotherperson:D January 10, 2022
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Wen wen is a monki that lives in your mum's basement
Oh look, its a wen wen
by NATEEETENN November 22, 2021
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Wen Wen is a monki that lives in ya mum's basement.
Oh look a wild wen wen in its habitat.
by NATEEETENN November 22, 2021
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Shiray is lucky to have koay wen jin as her boyfriend because he’s truly the best one out there
by Cutiepie0613 November 25, 2021
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