The Tony Drive-Thru is when you drive drunk and crash into somebody's house. The result can end in a possible arrest and can be combined with getting out of the car and raiding the victim's fridge.
She got hammered at the bar and then pulled a Tony Drive-Thru on the way home. She won't be getting out of jail for 8-12 months.
by Widerman July 18, 2012
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(verb) the grossest sex euphemism there is.

Arby's roast beef sandwiches are said to bear a resemblance to some women's genitals.
I was finished with the hooker but still had 45 minutes left, so I asked my roommate if he wanted to hit the drive-thru at Arby's.
by Hogan Torah October 22, 2020
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Medical vernacular for a colonoscopy (colon) and an upper endoscopy (stomach) performed in one visit to the doctor -- aka the "spit roast."
My gastroenterologist thought it would be a good idea to check both my stomach and my colon, so I had to go in for an In 'N' Out Drive-Thru last week. Came back clean. Are you overdue for yours?
by FitofPeak2 January 22, 2022
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The act of farting in an empty take out bag and handing the customer it after handing them their bag with food. Usually done with the crappiest of the rudest customers in the fast food service. Also known as the Dutch Oven On the Go.
Employee: Hi, Welcome to Yummy In Your Tummy, what can get for you.
Customer Yelling: Can i get a Cheeseburger with NO PICKLE!
Employee: *enters cheeseburger with no pickle*
Customer Yelling: I said a double cheeseburger with no pickle. NOT a cheeseburger
Employee: I apologize, I miss heard you but I'll fix that. Was that all for this order.
Customer Yelling: Do it right the first time and you wouldn't have to fix it!
Employee: I apologize for that, your total is $1.87 at the first window.

Employee: We need a Dutch Oven Drive-Thru for order 12-94.

Employee 2: *Picks up empty to go bag, opens bag. holds up to buttock and flatulates in bag, Hands to Yelling customer.*

Yelling Customer after driving off. Oh crap they gave me a Dutch Oven on the Go. I must've been their biggest jerk today.
by Gorilla Boobs August 23, 2016
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a sinking realization that you've just fucked up and it's too late to do anything about it
this afternoon i had a "finger thru the toilet paper moment" when i blurted out bob's girlfriend's name in front of his wife.
by banjobill January 10, 2009
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Background: Used be Barry on various occasions, meaning to be involved in, and or associated with the insertion of a....................flogan into a.................bocker
What boy?? you wanna shoot that timothy thru my simon??? well alright, thats just fine. Don't forget the dvd player! and the Avril lavigne Stencil Set.... Raspberry heaven? the sweet sensation of wheat.
by Barry August 11, 2004
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