The one person you choose to spend your corona-isolation with. A monogamous relationship in times of a viral outbreak.
on video-call
Cheryl: OMG who is that man and why is he kissing you? Don’t you know you are supposed to limit your social interactions?
Jeffrey: Calm down Cheryl! He is my lockdown lover.
by Lemonaids91 March 24, 2020
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Used to describe someone when they who is racist, annoying, gay, homophobic, and constantly angry.
by The fart man July 10, 2018
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Suffering mental and/or physical issues due to being under lockdown.
Man, she's really got lockdown fever this week. She's called me six times in two hours.
by TimTaiwan March 23, 2021
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1) The euphemistic name for Donald Trump's Florida members-only resort, when the President is on site.
2) A term applied to any pleasant place under high security, lockdown, or restriction.
3) Should Trump face indictment or civil charges of misconduct and face house arrest, Mar-A-Lockdown takes on a new meaning.
Once the office building metal detectors arrived, restricting visitor progress in the main lobby, it was Mar-A-Lockdown in full force.
by NOJOPDX December 19, 2018
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There never was unanimity in respect for any lockdown anywhere. The initial lockdowns are the reason nobody respects them or the people trying to lock everything down.
People saw the lockdown for what it was, a group/entity of people trying to take control of everyone else's lives.
by Solid Mantis October 15, 2020
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young white wanna be thug slang
My hubby in lockdown, so now you be cuffin'
by Jim Tran March 3, 2023
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Prison. It can be a place or it can be the state of being in prison.
Inmate: I been locked down so long I don't know what else to do.

Arresting officer: You in lockdown now you sorry ass fool.
by tray fern August 30, 2013
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